Source code for repositorytools.lib.artifact

__all__ = ['NameVerDetectionError', 'Artifact', 'LocalArtifact', 'LocalRpmArtifact', 'RemoteArtifact']

import six.moves.urllib.parse
import itertools
import re
import os
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ArtifactError(Exception):

[docs]class NameVerDetectionError(ArtifactError): pass
[docs]class Artifact(object): """ Generic class describing an artifact """ def __init__(self, group, artifact='', version='', classifier='', extension=''): = group self.artifact = artifact self.version = version self.classifier = classifier self.extension = extension
[docs] def get_coordinates_string(self): return '{group}:{artifact}:{version}:{classifier}:{extension}'.format(, artifact=self.artifact, version=self.version, classifier=self.classifier, extension=self.extension)
def __repr__(self): return self.get_coordinates_string()
[docs]class LocalArtifact(Artifact): """ Artifact for upload to repository """ def __init__(self, group, local_path, artifact='', version='', classifier='', extension=''): self.local_path = local_path artifact_detected, version_detected, extension_detected = self.detect_name_ver_ext() if not artifact: artifact = artifact_detected if not version: version = version_detected if not extension: extension = extension_detected super(LocalArtifact, self).__init__(group=group, artifact=artifact, version=version, classifier=classifier, extension=extension)
[docs] def detect_name_ver_ext(self): base_name = os.path.basename(self.local_path) result = re.match('^(?# name)(.*?)-(?=\d)(?# version)(\d.*)\.(?# extension)([^.]+)$', base_name) if result is None: raise NameVerDetectionError('Automatic detection of name and/or version failed for %s', self.local_path) name, version, extension =,, logger.debug('name: %s, version: %s, extension: %s', name, version, extension) return name, version, extension
[docs]class LocalRpmArtifact(LocalArtifact): """ Special case of local artifact, which can detect it's coordinates from RPM metadata """ @staticmethod
[docs] def get_artifact_group(url): if url is None: raise Exception('Web pages of the package not present in RPM metadata, please fill the URL tag in specfile') parts = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlsplit(url).netloc.split(".") return ".".join(itertools.ifilter(lambda x: x != "www", reversed(parts)))
def __init__(self, local_path, group=None): try: import rpm except ImportError: raise ArtifactError("Can't import rpm module to detect name and version") ts = rpm.ts() fdno =, os.O_RDONLY) headers = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno) os.close(fdno) if not group: group = self.get_artifact_group(headers['url']) artifact = headers['name'] version = '{v}-{r}'.format(v=headers['version'], r=headers['release']) super(LocalRpmArtifact, self).__init__(group=group, artifact=artifact, version=version, local_path=local_path)
[docs]class RemoteArtifact(Artifact): """ Artifact in repository """ def __init__(self, group=None, artifact='', version='', classifier='', extension='', url=None, repo_id=None): super(RemoteArtifact, self).__init__(group=group, artifact=artifact, version=version, classifier=classifier, extension=extension) self.repo_id = repo_id self.url = url @classmethod
[docs] def from_repo_id_and_coordinates(cls, repo_id, coordinates): """ :param repo_id: :param coordinates: e.g. 'com.fooware:foo:1.0.0' :return: """ fields = coordinates.split(':') if len(fields) < 3: raise ArtifactError('Incorrect coordinates, at least group, artifact and version are obligatory') group, artifact, version = fields[0], fields[1], fields[2] classifier = extension = '' if len(fields) > 3: classifier = fields[3] if len(fields) > 4: extension = fields[4] return cls(group=group, artifact=artifact, version=version, classifier=classifier, extension=extension, repo_id=repo_id)